Grammar Galaxy-Book 1 Unit 16 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to examine something to see if there is anything wrong with it
Tom was told to check if he packed enough clothes.
to go in
When the Trojans pulled the horse into the city, the warriors could leap out and open the gates so the Greek army could enter.
training or use (especially of the body) through action or effort
Swimming is one of the healthiest forms of exercise.
to try to hurt someone with weapons or physical force
Stop fight or I will call the police.
to do something again
Echo, a young nymph, was in love with Narcissus, but she had a peculiar problem in that she could only repeat what was said to her.
to use money in order to buy something
Matt is going to spend $59 on those shoes.
to sense food using the tongue
If you lose the ability to smell, you also lose your ability to taste food!
turn on
to switch on; to send power to or through a machine
Please turn on the fan. I’m hot!
They even attach themselves to waste!
watch out
to be careful
watch out for the bump in the road.
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