English Chest (English Party)-Book 2 (Green) Unit 3 Lesson 4-1 (E)
6 카드 | CompassPublishing
a sea creature with a hard, protective covering, five legs on each side, two of which have CLAWS on them
crabs walk sideways.
an intelligent sea animal that resembles a fish but gives birth to its young, BREATHES air and has a pointed nose
I saw a dolphin show in the park.
a sea creature that has a clear soft body
Some jellyfishes have the poison.
a type of small fish whose head looks a little like the head of a horse
The seahorse lives only in warm seas.
a large and dangerous fish with sharp teeth
The shark has many sharp teeth.
a very large mammal that lives in the ocean and has a body similar in appearance to a fish
whales are big animals that live in the ocean.
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