Dynamic Listening & Speaking-Book 2 Unit 02 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person who is legally responsible for himself or herself
You become an adult when you are 18 years old.
for example
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We need more things to eat for example fruit, bread and cheese.
get along with
have a smooth relationship
My older brother and I really get along with each other.
being close to the center of something
The young child is standing in the middle of the street
being liked or supported by a large number of people
Tennis is one of the most popular sports.
something given to a person on a special occasion or as a way to show thanks or love
There was a big present under the Christmas tree.
occurring only a short time ago
There have been many changes in recent years.
to come back after being away from somewhere
Your father will return home in two hours.
an institution of higher learning where students work toward academic degrees and where research is conducted
After high school, she’s going to university.
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