Dynamic Listening & Speaking-Book 1 Unit 12 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
apply for
to make a formal request
I will apply for the secretary position today.
to travel some distance on a regular basis, usually to work and back
I commute about 25 minutes to work every day.
to communicate with someone
In an emergency, you must contact me as soon as possible.
get married
to become a husband or a wife
I don' want to get married until I am at least 35.
to keep something working properly by regularly checking for and fixing any problems
It costs a lot of money to maintain this machine.
an occasion in which one is able to do something
Don’t miss the opportunity.
being used by or available to only a single person or group
She went to a private school.
something a person receives for winning a contest or doing something very well
He was awarded the Nobel Peace prize.
the ability to do something successfully, as a result of training, experience and practice
He has amazing soccer skills.
to focus on one area of a field or profession
My major was music, and I specialized in piano.
가장 빠르게 암기하도록 도와주는 암기학습 〉
제대로 외웠나 바로 확인하는 리콜학습 〉
철자까지 외우려면 스펠학습 〉
재미있게 복습하려면 매칭 게임 〉
주관식으로도 재미있는 복습, 크래시 게임 〉
수업 중 이 단어장을 보고 듣고 질문하는 슬라이드 〉
수업시간이 들썩 들썩 퀴즈배틀 (로그인) 〉
클릭만으로 종이낭비 없이 시험지 인쇄 (로그인) 〉
필요한 세트를 직접 만드는 단어장 만들기 (로그인) 〉
선생님들이 만드신 30만개 단어장 검색하기 〉
궁금한 것, 안되는 것
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