Developing Listening Skills 2nd-Book 1 Unit 5-1 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person who purchases goods or a service from a store
Not many customers came today.
to cause something or someone to move or turn in a certain way
There are three main issues that we need to direct our attention to.
an extra telephone line connected to a central telephone in a house or to a switchboard in a large building
May I have extension 150, please?
formed into a legal corporation
Their company was recently incorporated.
the act of spending money in order to make more money
Ten years ago, my father made a large investment in real estate that turned him a nice profit.
a device used to record, broadcast, or AMPLIFY sounds
Even though we sat at the back of the very long lecture hall, we could hear the professor because he was speaking into a microphone.
a show or movie that is created and presented to people
He wants a career in film production.
to agree to keep something for a particular use
She could not check out the book because it was on reserve for another student.
giving something great energy or sincerity
You can never tell when he's serious.
to say something in a loud way
I had to shout over the noise to be heard.
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