Developing Listening Skills 2nd-Book 1 Unit 11-1 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
at the same time
at once, simultaneously
She was both elated and saddened at the same time for inexplicable reasons.
a curved shape with pointed ends and a wider middle
A lovely crescent moon was in the night sky.
debit card
a plastic card that can be used to take money directly from your bank account when one pays for things
A debit card allows me to pay off things right when I buy them instead of accumulating interest when buying on credit.
coming after; next
You can choose between the following drinks on the menu.
now and then
often, frequently
Every now and then she checked to see if he was still asleep.
a flat shape with four sides at 90 degree angles, and with opposite sides of equal length
Most cell phones have about the same shape as a rectangle.
to arrange or put things in a pile
We stacked the dishes into the cupboard.
a mark or spot on the surface of something that is hard to remove
Stella got a stain on her new dress.
a large building for storing things before they are sold
They stored all the extra items in a large warehouse
to take something back that was given
The president said he would not withdraw the troops from the region.
가장 빠르게 암기하도록 도와주는 암기학습 〉
제대로 외웠나 바로 확인하는 리콜학습 〉
철자까지 외우려면 스펠학습 〉
재미있게 복습하려면 매칭 게임 〉
주관식으로도 재미있는 복습, 크래시 게임 〉
수업 중 이 단어장을 보고 듣고 질문하는 슬라이드 〉
수업시간이 들썩 들썩 퀴즈배틀 (로그인) 〉
클릭만으로 종이낭비 없이 시험지 인쇄 (로그인) 〉
필요한 세트를 직접 만드는 단어장 만들기 (로그인) 〉
선생님들이 만드신 30만개 단어장 검색하기 〉
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