YBM 고등 영어 독해와 작문 신정현 Lesson 7
34 카드 | ybmadmin
v. 분해되다
We know that plastic waste harms the environment because it does not decompose naturally.
a. 아주 작은
Microplastics are tiny plastic particles less than five millimeters wide.
n. (아주 작은) 입자, 조각
Microplastics are tiny plastic particles less than five millimeters wide.
n. 분해
They are formed from the breakdown of larger plastic waste in the seas or are industrially manufactured in two forms: microbeads and microfibers.
n. 스크럽, 각질 제거제
They are used in hundreds of personal care products, including toothpaste, facial scrubs, and some cosmetic products.
a. 화장용의, 미용의
They are used in hundreds of personal care products, including toothpaste, facial scrubs, and some cosmetic products.
filter out
~을 걸러내다
Microbeads are too small to be filtered out during the waste water treatment process.
a. 합성한, 인조의
Microfibers are the synthetic materials that are used in clothes.
n. 실
Most of our clothing is made up of these tiny threads of plastic.
n. 추정(치), 추산
This estimate does not include the microplastic waste that may have sunk into the depths of the oceans, washed ashore onto beaches, or been swallowed by marine animals.
ad. 해안으로, 물가로, 강가에
This estimate does not include the microplastic waste that may have sunk into the depths of the oceans, washed ashore onto beaches, or been swallowed by marine animals.
a. 바다의, 해양의
Microplastics in the oceans are a serious threat to the marine ecosystem.
quantities of
Another study showed that vast quantities of microplastics are present on the deep sea floor.
ad. 급격히
The amount of microplastics in the oceans will necessarily increase sharply.
v. (유해한 환경 등에) 노출되다
A group of French researchers reported that oysters exposed to microplastics produced fewer offspring and the offspring grew more slowly.
n. (동식물의) 새끼
A group of French researchers reported that oysters exposed to microplastics produced fewer offspring and the offspring grew more slowly.
prevent ... from -ing
...가 ~하는 것을 막다
Another study has shown that microplastics are even preventing ocean fish from becoming adults.
v. 번식하다
Shockingly, some young fish have been found to prefer these tiny plastic particles to their natural food sources, starving themselves before they can reproduce.
n. 유기체, (특히 극도로 작은) 생물(체)
The toxic microplastics are eaten by fish and other marine organisms.
n. 물질
The toxic substances we consume at the top of the food chain can be harmful enough to cause genetic changes and cancer.
a. 유전의
The toxic substances we consume at the top of the food chain can be harmful enough to cause genetic changes and cancer.
v. 탐험하다
NGOs are leading many activities such as raising awareness, removing waste from seashores, and exploring the oceans.
v. 요구하다
Based on scientific discoveries, NGOs are particularly demanding that products containing microplastics not be sold at all.
take notice of
…을 알아차리다, 주의하다
As a result, people, industries, and governments around the world are beginning to take notice of the microplastic problem.
n. 생태학자
In 2013, British ecologist Mark Browne launched a project to help reduce the number of microfibers released into the oceans.
v. (특히 조직적인 일을) 시작하다
In 2013, British ecologist Mark Browne launched a project to help reduce the number of microfibers released into the oceans.
n. 섬유
Now, around 90 percent of the brand’s clothing products are made with all natural fibers.
n. 제정법
Some governments have introduced legislation to deal with microplastics.
v. (힘든 문제·상황과) 씨름하다
This policy, which was an important step towards tackling plastic pollution in the oceans, offers a model for the rest of the world.
a. 해안의
Avoiding personal care products that have microbeads in them would reduce the amount of microplastics entering marine and coastal environments.
v. 얻다, 구하다
Companies want to keep microplastics in their products because they are cheap and easy to obtain.
a. 유기농의
As a consumer, you should buy clothing made of natural materials like organic cotton and wool, and avoid synthetic ones.
n. 면직물
As a consumer, you should buy clothing made of natural materials like organic cotton and wool, and avoid synthetic ones.
n. 모직
As a consumer, you should buy clothing made of natural materials like organic cotton and wool, and avoid synthetic ones.
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