YBM 고등 영어 독해와 작문 신정현 Lesson 1
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n. 과제, 도전
Facing a challenge, we make a choice and work hard, doing our best.
v. 평가하다
Our success or failure gets evaluated in terms of the end result.
v. 중요하다, 문제가 되다
What matters is that our work did not meet the standards.
v. 성취하다, 달성하다
It sends a message that with regard to the grade, we achieved nothing.
n. 마음가짐, 사고방식
Behind the grading system is what is called a “fixed mindset.”
not yet
아직 ~않다
What if we got a grade of “Not yet” instead of “Fail”?
v. ~의 뜻을 내포하다
It implies we will eventually meet with success, although we are not yet there.
ad. 결국
It implies we will eventually meet with success, although we are not yet there.
n. 선택지, 대안
Behind the “Not yet,” there is an alternative attitude toward success and failure.
n. 개선, 진보
The growth mindset focuses on the possibility of improvement.
a. 중대한, 결정적인
The two mindsets have critical differences in the ways they cope with challenges.
cope with
~에 대처[대응]하다
The two mindsets have critical differences in the ways they cope with challenges.
a. 긍정적인
Some reacted in a surprisingly positive way, saying they loved a challenge.
n. 과정
They knew their abilities could be developed and they enjoyed the process.
n. 지능
With the fixed mindset, they thought their intelligence was being tested and they would fail.
v. 부정행위를 하다
They also said they would probably cheat the next time, instead of studying more.
v. 맞서다
The students with the growth mindset, however, were not afraid to confront the problem and correct it.
the former ... the latter ~
전자는 …, 후자는 ~
Unlike the former, the latter gained knowledge and experience from the challenges, and as a result, grew intellectually.
ad. 지적으로
Unlike the former, the latter gained knowledge and experience from the challenges, and as a result, grew intellectually.
make or break
~의 성패를 좌우하다
In the world of sports, mindsets often make or break champions.
n. 재능
He believed that his natural talent was all he needed.
v. 가두다, 덫을 놓다
Billy was trapped by his huge talent because of the fixed mindset and failed as a professional athlete.
n. 경영 간부, 관리직
He learned his lesson and became a successful baseball executive.
in contrast to
~와 대조를 이루어, ~와는 대조적으로
The growth mindset, in contrast to Billy’s experience, values effort over natural talent.
a. 비상한
The real champions are not the ones born with extraordinary talent but those who persist and never give up.
v. 집요하게[고집스럽게] 계속하다
The real champions are not the ones born with extraordinary talent but those who persist and never give up.
n. 주저, 망설임
With no hesitation, she answered, “Mental toughness.”
a. 마음의, 정신의
With no hesitation, she answered, “Mental toughness.”
a. 엄청난, 거대한
She had to practice and put in enormous effort.
v. 재평가하다
In terms of the growth mindset, success is constantly being reevaluated.
a. 주된
This idea of success is central to the growth mindset.
n. 우월
For those with the fixed mindset, success is about establishing their superiority over others.
v. 고백하다, 털어놓다
He confessed that he failed because he was so proud that he did not promote innovations.
v. 촉진하다, 장려하다
He failed because he was so proud that he did not promote innovations.
n. 혁신
The fixed mindset blocked him from pursuing innovations.
n. 특권, 특전
He only wanted to enjoy the privilege of being at the top.
v. 추구하다
The fixed mindset blocked him from pursuing innovations.
v. 무시하다, 경시하다
You will be trapped in the joy of now, neglecting the power of “not yet.”
n. 결과, 결론
Value the effort, not the consequence.
depend on
~에 의존하다, 따르다
Do not depend on talent.
v. 칭찬하다
Praise yourself, regardless of the outcome, when you do your own best.
regardless of
~에도 불구하고, ~에 관계없이
Praise yourself, regardless of the outcome, when you do your own best.
v. 예상하다, 예견하다
Anticipating success brings about persistence, and persistence brings about positive outcomes.
bring about
~을 가져오다, 초래하다
Anticipating success brings about persistence, and persistence brings about positive outcomes.
a. 의식하고 있는
Whenever you feel you might be slipping back into a fixed mindset, make a conscious decision to break free of it.
break free of
~에서 벗어나다
Whenever you feel you might be slipping back into a fixed mindset, make a conscious decision to break free of it.
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