Reading Shelf-Book 2 (E)
120 카드 | CompassPublishing
being of very high quality
The food at the party was excellent.
the act of scoring by putting a ball or puck through an area marked by two posts
He scored a goal in the last minute of the game.
to smile widely so that your teeth show
They grinned with delight when they heard our news.
feeling admiration or respect
I'm deeply impressed with your kindness.
to get or give points in a game, contest, or test
He scored two goals in the final.
to desire something
I wish you would just be quiet.
giving off a large amount of light
The sun was so bright that it hurt our eyes.
an event, condition, or state of affairs that is produced by a cause
The high temperatures had a negative effect on crops.
give off
to send out or release
The flowers give off a sweet smell.
one's state of mind or feeling at a particular time
He was in a bad mood after the party.
the natural, outer covering that protects an animal's or person's body
I put cream on my dry skin.
being normal or common
The football game carried on as usual; nothing special happened.
information displayed in a table or list
A chart is a simple way of showing someone statistics.
as a replacement; because another thing is not possible or not preferable
I didn't send her a letter. instead, I called her.
someone who cares for sick or hurt people as a job
The nurse was very polite to us.
the appearance of a person or thing
The bean was in the shape of an egg.
to purposefully bothering
You should not tease animals that are in cages.
a white space for writing on the wall of a classroom
The teacher wrote each student's name on the whiteboard.
according to
as stated or reported by
according to the news, it will rain tomorrow.
at least
a minimum of; no less than
It will take at least 4 days to finish.
something that can be held, seen, or touched but is not living
Let’s start by painting the objects on the table.
the product of things that happened before
His success is the result of years of hard work.
a unit of time that equals one sixtieth of a minute
Please wait one second while I lock the door.
a box-shaped piece of electronic equipment with a screen that receives and displays broadcasted programs
The family gathered around the television to watch their favorite show.
compact disk
We listen to a cd.
a feeling of certainty in one's own capacity to succeed
You should have confidence in your skills.
being little or smaller than usual in quantity, amount, value, or degree
The poor man earns a very low salary.
to observe; to become aware of something
I noticed that she was wearing a new dress.
the amount of money one pays in order to obtain something
The price of my bag was 50 dollars.
to leave a job, school or career often without fully completing it
Sue quits every sport she plays after 2 days.
a collection of recorded music
This is my favorite album by my favorite singer.
a cover made of some kind of cloth that is used to keep warm, usually on a bed
I like thick and heavy blankets in winter.
a device used to move air and make people, rooms or other things cooler
If you're too warm, turn on the fan.
very sad; extremely depressed
She was heartbroken to find her favorite doll torn to pieces.
a service or ceremony done in the memory of a person who died
A memorial was held to honor the soldiers in the war.
a style of music that is usually popular among young people
Maroon 5 was a popular pop band.
after all
in the end
He was hungry but he couldn't eat anything after all.
a form of theater that tells a story through music and dance
Tom wants to learn ballet but feels embarrassed to learn with his friend Sue.
having great meaning or influence
I have a very important report due tomorrow.
a person who teaches or instructs, usually as a job
The instructor was very kind and patient to his students.
being difficult to complete or work with
Last night's homework assignment was very tough.
try out
to compete or interview for a position
He tried out his new scooter.
to make something happen or exist
It took three years to create that building.
being made or built using the newest methods or technology
This is a modern house and the money is well worth it.
existing or occurring in nature; not made or changed by humans
This product contains only natural ingredients.
at the usual time each day, week, or month
We meet regularly every Tuesday night.
between a particular point in the past and the present time
I have not seen my friend since college.
to move forward or proceed by taking fast steps and jumps
The young girl was so happy, she skipped all the way home.
to try to do something better than others who are doing the same thing
Most applicants are competing for the same job.
unhappy because something is not what one wanted
She was disappointed with the movie.
a sport dealing with the movement of the body
I like to watch gymnastics during the Olympics.
an international sports event held every four years in which many countries compete against each other
We went to see the olympics when they were in London.
two things that match and are used together, such as shoes
Jenny bought a new pair of shoes.
a printed piece of paper that shows that someone has paid to enter a place or travel
Let’s buy a ticket for that movie!
a person who is trained in or good at sports
She is the best athlete in the school.
a closed sled used in an Olympic sport in which more than one person can ride
I don't think Jamacia has a bobsled team.
a structure like a wall which prevents people or animals from entering
Mr. Smith’s dog could jump over our fence.
the style of words or the specific words used by a particular group
It is not easy to learn a foreign language.
a large number of people walking or in vehicles, all going in the same direction
I am marching in a parade on Saturday.
a hole or rip in something after it has been damaged
This sofa has a tear in it.
a long stick made from wood or metal that is used to hit balls in sports
He swung the bat really hard.
the sound made by something hitting wood or by wood breaking
As he walked up the old wooden steps, he heard a loud crack.
in baseball, one of the nine periods that the game is divided into
We left the game after the eighth inning because the team we liked was losing.
a person who throws the ball during a baseball game
He's not a very good pitcher.
a person, group, or thing that you compete with in a particular contest
We defeated our rival in volleyball.
a prize given to the winner of a competition
I received a trophy being good at swimming.
to suppose something is true, without evidence
I assumed the work was done.
extending far beneath the surface of something
I am afraid of swimming in deep water.
to fail to win a game or contest
He trained hard so that he might not lose in the next game.
to be of importance or concern
It doesn’t matter to me where you go.
a sports contest in which teams play multiple games until there is one winner
Athletes in many sports compete in this tournament.
to succeed the most in a game or contest
Our team wins the game!
having the qualities of life; not dead
Many plants are still alive after the mountain fire.
a special room in a sports stadium where athletes change clothes, like a locker room
The team celebrated together in the clubhouse after they won the game.
a person that shows great bravery or courage
This hero has super powers.
to participate in an activity with others
Helen and Eunice decided to join a summer sports team.
wet with sweat; having water from inside one's body all over one's skin
The players were tired and sweaty after the game.
tidy up
to clean up; to make neatly arranged
We had to tidy up the house before our friends could come inside.
to try to convince a person of doing something
My teacher always encourages me to do my best.
well-known or easily recognized
She had such a familiar looking face.
reflexive pronoun of "he"
David fixed the sink himself.
to move data or pictures from one place to another
You can cut and then paste different files into different locations.
to fill someone's glass or cup with a drink
Let me pour some wine in your glass.
to know; to understand
Do you realize how long this will take to finish?
to cause something to end with certain results
He thinks about lunch. He can’t decide what to eat.
at a later, future time or after series of other events have taken place
eventually, David will realize that he is special.
within a short distance
He always has a radio nearby so he can listen to the news.
to print a written work and make it available to read
This company publishes a lot of books.
a business or company that produces written works
The publisher printed 50,000 copies of the dictionary.
a person who has writes something, or who writes in a particular way
He is a very famous writer who has written many books.
a while
a short time; some time
It takes a while for water to become ice in the freezer.
a large body of salt or fresh water that is encircled by land
Many people like to fish at this lake.
to come down to the surface or the ground
We were all waiting for the flight to land.
to jump
The deers leap over the fence and into the forest.
a person riding in but not driving a vehicle
There are 200 passengers on board for this flight.
a hard, flat surface that extends long distances and is designed for vehicles or people to travel on
They walked down the road to the bookstore.
a small fruit, usually growing on small plants
They picked berries in the field.
either side of the face below the eye
Your cheeks look really red.
a small mammal that lives in forests, like a small squirrel
The chipmunk filled its cheeks with seeds.
an opening or gap in something solid through which something can pass
Through the hole in the door, I could see outside.
a small object produced by a plant, from which another plant can grow
Even the largest trees begin as tiny seeds.
to keep
We can store the vegetables and fruits in the freezer.
to move soil using one's hands or a tool in order to make a hole
The dog digs a hole in the ground and puts a bone in it.
a time of rest, free time or travel when a person does not have to work
They go to the beach for the summer holiday.
to become better
Students can improve by studying hard.
to put seeds or trees in the ground so that they can grow
My brother and I planted a tree in the park today.
to get rid of something completely
I removed the mud from my shoes.
a wild, unwanted plant that grows very quickly
There were many weeds in the garden with the flowers.
to express negative thoughts or emotions
He complains that it is too hot.
to make something happen at a later time than was planned
The plane was delayed due to the bad weather.
to bring something birth
Some snakes lay their eggs in caves.
to write in a newspaper or speak on a news program
The accident was reported during the evening news yesterday.
a long road where planes take off and land
Some runways are 100 meters long.
in a connecting manner with that reason
It is too far to walk. therefore, we should go by car.
to feel pain, usually one that is weak and constant
A broken bone can ache for months even after it is treated.
a fellow student; a person in one's same class
Yesterday, I visited my sick classmate.
a condition in which body temperature is above normal
The illness caused him to have a high fever.
an illness that causes soreness of the body, fever and tiredness
Many of them were already sick with colds and the flu.
to pass along or give something to somebody by using the hands
She handed the letter to me.
to stop working; avoid activities
She rests on the beach.
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