Reading Jump-Book 1 (E)
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a person living in a different country than the one in which he or she was born and who is not a legal citizen
An alien comes from another planet.
a book or story including ideas , people and events that are not real
Do you prefer biography or fiction?
time that is to come after the present
What do you want to be in the future?
a device or piece of equipment that does work using moving parts and uses electricity or other forms of power
machines make our lives a little bit easier.
a massive round object in space which moves around a star
We live on the planet Earth.
to fire a gun
He picked up the gun to shoot the enemy.
being better, more important, or out of the ordinary
My mom baked me a special cake for my birthday.
a level of quality used to judge something
People of different cultures have standards for color, location of body parts, and mate selection.
the thing that is being discussed or written about
These films are usually about subjects like machines, science, and the future.
to go from one place to another place
They travel to the moon, meet aliens, and return home.
to be in sight; to arrive at a place
They were upset because he didn't appear at the meeting.
nearest in space
Alpha Centauri is the star closest to our sun.
far away
a long distance from here; not close
His home is far away from his office.
get to
It took a long time for the light just to get to Earth.
to form ideas or images in your head that are not real
Tom imagined himself as an astronaut.
light year
the distance that light travels in a year
A light year is how far light can travel in one year.
for each or every
Rooms cost $50 per person, per night.
to arrive at a certain place
The train reached Seoul Station at noon.
to state a particular idea in an indirect manner
I suggest you to go to art school in your future.
the space surrounding and including the earth, other planets, and stars within our galaxy
The universe has many stars and planets.
an unusual experience that is possibly dangerous
She had some exciting adventures in Egypt.
the people who live in a particular area
The two communities live together in peace.
full of people
The theater was so crowded that he couldn't get a seat.
causing feelings of interest and enthusiasm
That movie was really exciting!
the state of being uncontrolled and allowed to do whatever one wants
The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom.
to make a loud noise
People honked their horns as they drove past.
visiting the buildings, places of interest of an area
The tourists are walking around the streets, shopping and sightseeing.
a very tall building in a city
New York has many skyscraper buildings that seem to reach the sky.
a person or thing who represents a larger quality
A dove is a symbol of peace.
a very small community or town in the country
Most of the people of this village are farmers.
(often with "out" or "away") to break into small pieces, often with a tool
They chipped away the marble until the statue took shape.
the beliefs, attitudes, and ways of life of a particular group of people or society
It is important to learn about a country’s culture.
a government that allows all of its people to vote for and choose their leaders
democracy had its beginnings in ancient Greece.
the group of people who rule a nation
The government decided to end to war.
a picture of an object or person that is made by a device or person
Its image is a symbol of the Olympics.
a type of white stone with dark lines that is used in making buildings and art
Later, many sculptures were made out of marble.
the quality of remaining calm when you have to wait for something or someone
I lost my patience and shouted at her.
to be whatever is left over or behind after the larger part of something is gone
My e-mail address will remain unchanged.
the practice of creating artistic objects from wood, clay or other materials
One example of a sculpture is a statue.
having a flat surface without irregularities
Marble is a smooth white stone.
definitely; without doubt
All parents certainly want their children to grow up to be successful.
someone who competes with you for a position or title that you already have
The challenger was knocked out in the seventh round in the match.
a person or team that has bested all others
A champion is someone who has won the first prize in a competition, contest, or fight.
with great effort, energy, and attention
I studied hard yesterday because of my English test.
a soldier with a high social status, who fought while riding a horse in the past
King Arthur was a brave knight.
a contest between two or more people or teams
There were three thousand people at the boxing match.
to give a name to someone or something
I name my pet fish ‘Goldie’.
the history of a person or group's past actions or achievements
Banks keep records of all their customers.
an official statement which explains how things must be done and what is allowed in a particular system or situation
You have to follow the rules of a game.
to know the meaning of the words that someone is saying or the language that he or she is speaking
Can you understand French?
the quality of being attractive and producing great pleasure
She lost her beauty when her hair was cut short.
a woman who is recently married or who will get married soon
The bride and groom walked slowly down the aisle.
a period of 100 years
We live in the twenty-first century.
a place where a crime or civil matter is reviewed and a decision is made regarding a person's guilt
In 1793, Marie’s husband was found guilty in a court.
to require something in order to be done correctly
The people stood outside and demanded food.
to cause someone to feel courage, confidence or hope
Parents need to encourage children to play more sports and not just to study.
being the same for everyone
Poor people in France were not the equals of the rich.
responsible for committing a crime or for having done something bad or wrong
Marie’s husband was found guilty.
being strange or unknown
I was lost. The area was unfamiliar to me.
a vehicle with four wheels that is used for transporting people or heavy loads and is often pulled by animals
The queen rode in a fancy wagon.
being possible to use or obtain
Most breakfast foods are only available during the morning hours.
to shut or cover the opening of something
We forgot to close the window, now everything inside is wet from the rain.
a sweet food usually eaten at the end of a meal
We had chocolate pudding for dessert.
food that has been prepared in a certain way
The restaurant serves a variety of international dishes.
to add something to a group or total
I forgot to include your card with the birthday present.
being special or more than is typical
I like reading about history in general, and European history in particular.
a list of items needed and a procedure to follow in order to cook a particular dish
We use a recipe to make food.
to have or use something that is also used or had by others
My sister and I always share the household chores.
to place a high importance on someone or something's importance
Most people do not truly value the work of a woman in the home.
to cover or enclose something with a thin material such as paper or cloth
The clerk carefully wrapped the new wine glasses in paper.
a formal act that is performed according to a social or religious tradition
The graduation ceremony will be held outside this year.
being very expensive, often wasteful
The plain handkerchief is costly because it is made by Dior.
to find something for the first time
Historians are constantly trying to discover new knowledge.
in, at, or to each and every place
Tea is enjoyed by people everywhere.
events that happened in the past
Do you know anything about American history?
of a smaller degree or amount
Not less than one hundred people were present.
the food that is prepared to be eaten in one sitting, such as for dinner
We should eat at least three meals a day.
including nearly all of a group of people or things
most of the students in my class are older than I am.
a schedule that does not change from day to day
The Chinese have special teatime routines.
by or among a large number of people
Tea is now widely available in many flavors.
violent, angry or threatening
A hungry lion is very aggressive.
to reach, or be delivered to the point at the end of a journey
The train arrived at the station 20 minutes late.
to have an item that holds something inside of it
The box contains a gift for your mother.
to bother people while they are trying to do something, or prevent them from continuing
Don't disturb your sister while she is studying.
the natural world in which plants and animals live
The ants cannot survive in cold environments.
in a manner that is greater, more significant, or important than usual
She is good at sports especially tennis.
causing or feeling physical pain or hurt
It was a painful decision to break up with her.
choosy or overly critical
He's picky about food so he only eats what he likes.
to remain alive
The lost boys, did their best to survive the harsh conditions.
a measure of hotness or coldness
The doctor checked Sue's temperature when she had a fever.
to fault with someone or something for something bad that has happened
Tom is always being blamed when something goes wrong.
to take or receive something, belonging to another, with the promise of returning it
Sue borrowed a CD from Tom, then lent it to David.
a series of events or things that are connected in some way
The food chain shows how animals depend on each other for food.
depend on
to be affected by or decided by somebody/something
We may go to the beach tomorrow depending on the weather and how hot it gets.
the power or strength to work or act
The sun gives energy to plants.
a large bird that obtains its food by killing smaller birds and animals
The hawk will hunt for its food.
to make a small jump
Rabbits can hop.
to search for wild animals to kill, usually for food
My uncle went to hunt for deer last night.
a garden vegetable that has large thin leaves that are eaten raw, often in salads
I don't like a lot of lettuce in my salad; I prefer spinach.
a meal eaten in the evening
We had a salad with lettuce for supper.
a machine that carries people between a building's different floors
The elevator is broken so we have to take the stairs.
a particular level in a building
We took the elevator to the tenth floor.
to form ideas or images in your head that are not real
It's hard to imagine the world without any trees.
to gain knowledge
We learn many subjects in school.
look like
resemble, be likely
Your new purse looks like mine.
being very important or large
Fresh fruits are a major source of vitamin C.
the physical substance, such as wood or metal, that something is made of
His jacket is made from very light material.
given a name
Shelly was named captain of her soccer team.
(plural) a set of steps that go from one level of a building or structure to another level
These stairs are very steep.
a very strong metal which is made mainly from iron
Most cars are made of steel.
the amount of time a someone or something has been alive
Renaissance art was different from the art in the Middle ages in many ways.
to be confident that something is true
I don’t believe in ghosts.
used to describe a machine that works when feeding the coins into it
If you want to use our coin-operated machine, it's fifteen cents each.
a person, team or company which does the same thing as another and tries to do it better
The player was two points up on his competitor.
a device that is used to manage the operations of a particular machine, piece of equipment, or system
Give me the remote controller, I want to change a channel.
attracting interest by being strange or unusual
Two men play a curious new arcade game: Pong.
to move through the air
Last night I had a dream that I could fly.
being liked or supported by a large number of people
The actor in that movie is really popular.
the part of a computer or television that displays pictures or other information
You look at the screen of the computer.
being plain; without a lot added for style
Sometimes simple designs are better than fancy ones.
a protective suit worn during battle
armor was a heavy metal that covered the knight.
a large organized group of soldiers who are armed and trained to fight in battles on land
The army is going to the fight against Russia.
a violent fight between two or more groups of armies or people that is usually part of a broader conflict
The two knights fought each other in a battle.
not being afraid
The girls all admired the bravery of the new student.
someone who is opposed to another; someone who tries to harm another
I hate him. He is my enemy.
being of great weight
This armor is too heavy!
a large piece of metal or leather that soldiers used in the past to protect themselves
He is holding up his shield for protection.
a person serving in the military
The soldier is coming back from war.
a weapon that has a long sharp metal edge and point
The soldier used his sword to cut the rope.
a device or tool that is used for fighting with, attacking, or defending against other people
The police still haven't found the murder weapon.
the group of people watching or listening to an event
Comedians try hard to make the audience laugh.
someone who plays the cello
Pablo Casals was a great cellist in the world.
the second largest member of the violin family, rested vertically on the floor between the performer's knees when being played
Susan loves playing the cello.
to work or concentrate
He focused on his studies and got high grades.
by, to, or for most people
generally, parents love their children.
the mark given to determine the quality of a student's academic work
I got a very poor grade on the math exam.
to become someone's husband or wife
George asked Fiona to marry him.
the official home of a ruler, such as a king or queen
When he finished school, he played the cello in the queen’s palace.
not to accept, allow, or give something
I can't help you if you refuse to listen to my advice.
happening throughout the world
Microsoft is known worldwide.
a person who makes art, such as paintings or drawings
Michelangelo was an Italian artist.
having very attractive or appealing physical qualities
That dress is very beautiful.
the inside surface above a room
A single light bulb hung from the ceiling.
to make something happen or exist
It took three years to create that building.
a person; a human being
All humans must take care of the Earth.
look up
to find a piece of information by looking in a book or using a computer
People go to the museum to look up at his beautiful work.
a part of a play or movie in which something particular happens in one place and at one time
In the movie Harry Potter, many of the scenes take place at Hogwarts.
an image of a person, animal or thing made from something solid, like stone or metal
Many ancient Greek statues can be seen in museums.
take away
to remove something or someone
I took some pills to take away the pain.
the final product or result of a some labor effort
She put her works on display in the local art gallery.
to strike a surface and rapidly change direction
How high can you bounce this basketball?
to harm someone or something physically so that they are hurt or broken
Tom damaged the car by crashing into a tree.
to make a choice after thinking about something
Sue still hasn't decided what she will eat for dinner.
producing the wanted result
The newspapers are effective advertising media.
able to be bent or stretched
Stretching helps to keep you relaxed and flexible.
having great meaning or influence
It is important that you remember the promises you make with others.
relating to or in a state of not being tightly pulled, fitted, or stretched
Your muscles are loose and warm after exercising.
a part of the body of a human or animal that functions to produce movement
You can see soccer players stretching their muscles.
calm and not worried or tense
Stretching helps to keep you relaxed and flexible.
to pull until tight
Many people who play sports decide to stretch their muscles before exercising.
a good or advantageous thing
There are many health benefits if you exercise.
a sickness in a person, animal or plant
Can you think of another way to prevent disease?
get rid of
make yourself free of something that is annoying you
Exercising also lets you relax and get rid of stress.
being free from illness, disease, and other physical problems
It is important to stay healthy with regular exercise.
to make something better
Exercise can improve the way you are feeling.
to keep something from existing or happening; to keep someone from doing something
Avoiding stress is the best way to prevent cancer.
occurring at an established frequency
Eating regular meals is good for health.
a movement, action or occurrence that indicates that something exists or will happen
The signals in the brain can make you feel good.
a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc.
Too much stress always gives me a headache.
to cause someone to respond with shock by doing something unexpected
She surprised her mother with a present.
account for
to provide an explanation or justification for
His illness accounts for his absence.
the general weather conditions and patterns of a particular region
The climate of Australia is generally dry.
the area of land that is right next to a sea or ocean
When he was a child, he lived on the south coast.
not unusual
John is a very common name.
to stop being visible
The rainbow disappeared when it started to rain again.
all the plants and animals in an area with properties specific to that area
All plants and animals live in ecosystem.
having wet and heavy air due to water in the atmosphere
These rainforests are hot and humid.
a type of animal that lives in trees in South and Central America and that moves very slowly
The sloth is the slowest animal in the world.
take up
to occupy
My coat takes up too much space in my suitcase.
of or from the tropics
The tropical weather is the hottest on Earth.
a specific region or part of a city, country, etc.
Is there any hospital in this area?
able to change or to be changed
The different winds around England create the changeable weather.
having to do with countries that are east of Europe
I used to live in the eastern part of the country.
known by a lot of people; easy to recognize
England is famous for its foggy and rainy weather.
covered with small drops of water
It was foggy at the river.
happening or being found at unequal spaced distances or lengths of time
The other side has more irregular weather.
turbulent or difficult
No ship can leave port in stormy weather.
different, unusual
My friend is strange. He eats money.
in an unexpected or extremely quick manner
The weather changed so suddenly!
changing so frequently that it is difficult to know what will come next; changing one's behavior so often that it is difficult to know what to expect
The weather in my country is so unpredictable in the summer.
a person who travels in space
Two astronauts walked into the space craft.
to have a formal discussion where people express different opinions to help solve a problem
Some people debate whether the station is a waste of money.
being costly; having a high price or value
Diamond rings are expensive.
involving or occurring between two or more countries
An international film festival takes place in October every year.
information that is left for or sent to someone else
She's out right now. Can I take a message?
to circle around something
The Earth orbits the sun every 24 hours.
the careful study of sources to discover information about a subject
The research showed us that our theory was correct.
a natural object in space that moves in a circle around another object, such as a moon
Many satellites orbit the earth.
to plan to do something at a certain time
The station is scheduled to keep flying until 2015 or later.
without help from anyone or anything else
Fleas can be seen with the unaided eye.
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